How Builders Use Technology to Win Infrastructure Contracts

February 5, 2024
Wayne Nunziata - Construction Executive

Last year’s Pittsburgh area Fern Hollow Bridge collapse and the I-95 Philadelphia collapse may portend more infrastructure spending to come. The U.S. Department of Transportation's 2021 national inventory estimated that 44,000 bridges nationwide are rated in poor condition. Contractors must be able to act fast and have a plan in place to secure infrastructure work, including obtaining bid bonds in a timely manner while preparing and updating bids.

The savviest construction and engineering companies are already leveraging technology solutions to optimize the construction phase, to increase productivity, trim costs and track projects in real time. Bidding/bonding is one essential and underutilized phase in which digital solutions can help contractors win in a fiercely competitive environment. Contractors should seek to take control of their bidding by leveraging online tools for bonding.

Reprinted courtesy of Wayne Nunziata, Construction Executive, a publication of Associated Builders and Contractors. All rights reserved.


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