Fall Protection for Everyone

July 8, 2024
Mark McGhiey - Construction Executive

In the construction industry, safety lapses can have dire consequences. A recent incident on a multistory construction site underscores the critical need for rigorous safety protocols. An employee slipped and nearly fell from the top level during a routine task of disposing refuse into a trash chute. Fortunately, thanks to the company's recently enhanced fall-protection program, the worker's safety equipment prevented what could have been a fatal accident.

This incident is a stark reminder of the ongoing risks of falls in construction. Despite continuous efforts to improve safety, falls remain a leading cause of injury and death on jobsites, second only to vehicle accidents. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that more than 400 fall-related deaths occur annually, a distressing statistic that has remained consistent over the past decade.

Reprinted courtesy of Mark McGhiey, Construction Executive, a publication of Associated Builders and Contractors. All rights reserved.


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