What the YIMBY Winning Streak Means

December 16, 2023
M. Nolan Gray & Salim Furth - Bloomberg

Until recently, zoning was a sleepy and unsexy corner of the public policy world, a topic best left to bureaucrats in the basements of city halls. It’s probably still unsexy, but it’s far from sleepy. In 2023, zoning reform went national, thanks to advocacy by the pro-housing YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) movement.

In California, Governor Gavin Newsom signed 56 bills designed to tackle the state’s housing crisis. Many extended existing reforms, making it easier to build accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and apartments — even in exclusionary coastal areas. Other bills closed loopholes commonly used to block housing. SB 4, also known as the “Yes in God’s Backyard” act, will allow faith groups to build affordable housing on their property.


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