Contractors Battle Bitter Winters at $11.8B Site C Hydro Project in Canada

Snow storm on rural road

Despite budget overruns and delays due to COVID-19 and geotechnical conditions, crews now are tantalizingly close to completing one of Canada’s largest infrastructure projects to date.

October 30, 2023
Jonathan Keller & Scott Blair - Engineering News-Record

Half the year spent in bone-aching cold. Soils frozen hard as concrete. Mountains of snow. A seemingly unending flow of machinery, workforce and earthen material to and from the site. A temporary city to house thousands of workers for nearly a decade. Wildfires encroaching dangerously close. Working under the ever-watchful eyes of regulators, stakeholders and environmentalists.

Reprinted courtesy of Jonathan Keller, Engineering News-Record and Scott Blair, Engineering News-Record

Mr. Keller may be contacted at
Mr. Blair may be contacted at

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