Empowering Success: The Advantages of Female Attorneys in Construction Defect Law

Businesswoman with arms up in triumph

Women belong in all places where decisions are being made ― Ruth Bader Ginsburg

December 11, 2023
Alexa Stephenson, Hoosai Kabiri & Ivette Kincaid - Kahana Feld

Per the most recent U.S. Census records, women make up 50.4% of the U.S. population. It should come as no surprise then that women currently outnumber men in U.S. law schools. Nevertheless, as of 2022, only 38% of attorneys, 30% of federal judges, 22% of equity partners, and 12% of managing partners nationwide are comprised of women. While great strides have been made in the last century to increase gender equality in the legal field, there is undoubtedly still a long way to go.

Studies have shown that women in the workforce lead to a number of benefits not only to the business itself, but to a business’ employees and culture. In the realm of construction defect law in particular, the presence and contributions of female attorneys have become increasingly impactful and essential. As the legal landscape evolves, the benefits of having female attorneys practicing in this specialized field are becoming more evident, offering a range of advantages that contribute to a more diverse, comprehensive, and successful legal environment. These advantages include:

1. Diverse Perspectives: Female attorneys bring a unique perspective to the practice of construction defect law, enriching the field with their insights and experiences. Their diverse backgrounds and viewpoints can lead to innovative strategies and fresh approaches when tackling complex legal issues.

Reprinted courtesy of Alexa Stephenson, Kahana Feld, Hoosai Kabiri, Kahana Feld and Ivette Kincaid, Kahana Feld
Ms. Stephenson may be contacted at astephenson@kahanafeld.com
Ms. Kabiri may be contacted at hkabiri@kahanafeld.com
Ms. Kincaid may be contacted at ikincaid@kahanafeld.com


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