The New York Lien Law - Top Ten Things You Ought to Know

New York text

Failure to comply with the requirements of the Lien Law can result in the subordination of the lien of the entire building loan mortgage to mechanics’ liens.

December 23, 2023
Ralph E. Arpajian - White and Williams LLP

Over the course of my career, I have had the privilege of working with and representing numerous construction lenders (and borrowers/developers) in the financing of some of the largest commercial projects in the United States.

A number of these projects have been in New York, where one encounters the New York Lien Law (the “Lien Law”). Many of my clients, particularly those lenders, borrowers, and their counsel, located outside of New York, are often perplexed by my advice regarding the Lien Law and the loan structuring requirements which result. In the hope that it would be helpful (especially for non-New York counsel), I have compiled a “top ten” list outlining, in my view, the most critical (and most perplexing) aspects of structuring New York construction loans under the Lien Law.

Mr. Arpajian may be contacted at


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