Risky Business: Contractual Versus Equitable Rights of Subrogation

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Zurich Am. Ins. Co. involved a subrogation claim arising from a water loss that occurred during the construction of a new academic building at Malcom X College in Chicago.

December 16, 2023
Kyle Rice - The Subrogation Strategist

In Zurich Am. Ins. Co. v. Infrastructure Eng’g. Inc., 2023 Ill. App. LEXIS 383, the insurer, Zurich American Insurance Company (Insurer) proceeded as subrogee of Community College District No. 508 d/b/a City Colleges of Chicago and CMO, a Joint Venture. The Appellate Court of Illinois, First District (Appellate Court) addressed whether Insurer – who issued a builder’s risk policy to insure a building during construction – could subrogate on behalf of the building owner, City Colleges of Chicago (City Colleges), who was part of the joint venture and an additional named insured, but who had not been directly paid for the underlying loss. The Appellate Court determined that the policy language established that the carrier was contractually permitted to subrogate on behalf of all additional named insureds on the policy, including the building owner.

Mr. Rice may be contacted at ricek@whiteandwilliams.com


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