The Top 3 Trends That Will Impact the Construction Industry in 2024

Three businessmembers with thumbs up

Leaders at The Hartford share how technology, proper planning and strong recruitment efforts can help combat the ongoing construction labor shortage and supply chain delays.

December 4, 2023
The Hartford Staff - The Hartford Insights

As more than 40% of the current U.S. construction workforce will retire in the next decade, industry leaders need to equip themselves with the necessary resources to combat the shifting work environment.1

“Trends in the construction industry will fluctuate in the coming years, which can lead to additional risks for industry leaders. It will be important to think about how they can address any potential risk factors. A lot of leaders have been increasing their planning efforts and looking into technology solutions to combat the ongoing labor shortage,” said David DeSilva, head of construction at The Hartford. Here, he outlines the top three top trends for business leaders to watch in 2024.

1. Ongoing Labor Shortages
Construction is an industry that traditionally has a high labor turnover rate, which means companies needs to hire more frequently. This only increases during labor shortages. The construction workforce is up against several factors, including an aging workforce and recruitment struggles.


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