A Brief Primer on Perfecting Your Mechanics Lien When the Property Owner Files Bankruptcy

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A brief description of steps to be taken when the Owner of property on which you have recorded a mechanics lien files bankruptcy.

January 22, 2024
William L. Porter - Porter Law Group

Overview of the Mechanics Lien Law
This is a brief description of steps to be taken when the Owner of property on which you have recorded a mechanics lien files bankruptcy.

The California mechanics lien is a powerful tool for contractors, subcontractors and materials suppliers to secure payment of unpaid construction debts. A contractor, subcontractor or materials supplier is allowed to record a mechanics lien on real property, based on the value added to the property by the claimant during the construction process.

The recorded mechanics lien provides the claimant with legal right to force the sale of the improved real property and thereby obtain the funds necessary to pay the delinquent debt. Under the usual procedure, the first step is the recording of the mechanics lien with County Recorder’s office in the County where the property is located. A lawsuit to foreclose on the lien must then be filed in the County Superior Court of that County, within ninety (90) days after the mechanics lien is recorded. The goal of the lawsuit is to obtain a judgment for foreclosure on the mechanics lien in order to force a sale of the property. The net proceeds of the sale will be used to pay the unpaid construction debt secured by the recorded mechanics lien, assuming sale proceeds exceed the amount of senior liens and encumbrances.

Mr. Porter may be contacted at bporter@porterlaw.com


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