Cooperating With Your Insurance Carrier: Is It a Must?

Two businesswomen talking

Insureds should not forget that complying with the cooperation clause can make the difference between the insurer covering or denying a claim.

January 2, 2024
Susana Arce - Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C.

A majority of insurance policies require the insured to cooperate with the insurer. The cooperation clause generally states, “the insured agrees to Cooperate with us in the investigation, settlement or defense of the suit.”

The “cooperation clause” is often an afterthought because once litigation has ensued an insured is focused on other important considerations. However, insureds should not forget that complying with the cooperation clause can make the difference between the insurer covering or denying a claim.

The Cooperation Clause in Action
The Court in HDI Glob. Specialty SE v. PF Holdings, LLC,1 highlighted the importance of cooperating with an insurance carrier. In the underlying litigation, residents of an apartment complex sued four entities, all insured by the same insurance policy: two were named insureds and two were additional insureds. The primary insurer provided a defense for the named insureds.

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