Emerging Trends in Shortened Statutes of Limitations and Statutes of Repose

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Shortened statues of limitations and repose may result is increased litigation and further taxing on our already overwhelmed justice system.

January 2, 2024
Ivette Kincaid & Thomas McCarrick - Kahana Feld

A growing trend in construction defect legislation around the country has seen the shortening of statutes of limitation and statutes of repose for a plaintiff to bring claims related to construction defects. Over the past ten years, several states, notably Florida and Texas, have shortened their statutes of repose. This is generally positive news for developers and contractors; however, the specifics and ramifications of these legislative and judicial updates are still unknown.

Statute of Limitations
A statute of limitations sets forth the time that a plaintiff has to sue or allege a particular cause of action against a defendant. These time limitations are codified into law and vary depending on the State and the cause of action. A statute of limitations starts at the occurrence of an injury or damage or at the time the injury or damage is discovered. The statute of limitations may be subject to some exceptions such as tolling for reasons such as the injured party being a minor in which case depending on the particular statute, the statute does not begin to run until after the minor reaches the age of majority.

Reprinted courtesy of Ivette Kincaid, Kahana Feld and Thomas McCarrick, Kahana Feld

Ms. Kincaid may be contacted at ikincaid@kahanafeld.com
Mr. McCarrick may be contacted at tmccarrick@kahanafeld.com


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