Gaps in Insurance Created by Complex Risks

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Elevated building costs, increased flooding and growing ransomware attacks can disrupt business. Learn how to assess your business risks and fill your gaps in insurance.

January 22, 2024
The Hartford Staff - The Hartford Insights

From slips, trips and falls to extreme weather and cyberattacks, businesses are regularly confronted with risks to operations and profitability. In 2023, elevated building costs, increased flooding, and growing ransomware attacks made it compelling for business owners to make sure they had adequate insurance to stay ahead of property and liability exposures. However, if left unchecked, these trends can lead to gaps in coverage. As 2024 approaches, now is the time to assess your risk and collaborate with the right resources to fill any potential voids in insurance.

Economic inflation for example has changed property valuations, which can result in coverage gaps if policyholders have not examined their replacement costs recently.


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