Giant Gas Pipeline Owner, Contractor in $900M Payment Battle

Coworkers punching each other

Coastal GasLink sued Calgary-based contractor Pacific Atlantic Pipeline Construction in a British Columbia court for costs it incurred to find replacement builders after terminating the firm in 2022, alleging poor performance.

January 22, 2024
David Godkin, Debra K. Rubin

A Canadian partnership including energy developer TC Energy that is building the $10.6-billion Coastal GasLink pipeline, and a key project contractor, are disputing more than $900 million in project costs in court and in upcoming arbitration. The 670-kilometer line in British Columbia that announced mechanical completion last year is set to carry liquefied natural gas to the LNG Canada export terminal under construction on the province’s Pacific Coast—the country’s first such facility.

Reprinted courtesy of David Godkin, Engineering News-Record and Debra K. Rubin, Engineering News-Record

Ms. Rubin may be contacted at

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