Meet the Forum's ADR Neutrals: LESLIE KING O'NEAL


An interview with ADR Neutral Leslie King O'Neal.

January 29, 2024
Marissa L. Downs - The Dispute Resolver

Company: JAMS
Office Location: Orlando, FL
Law School: University of Florida, J.D. (1977)
Types of ADR services offered: Mediation, arbitration, neutral evaluation
Geographic area served: Nationwide

Q: Describe the path you took to becoming an ADR neutral.
A: Florida was one of the first states to allow judges to send civil cases to mediation. When I was an advocate, nearly all my cases went to mediation at least once—sometimes more than once! I became a firm believer in the value of mediation and other ADR methods. I became a Florida certified circuit court mediator in 2021 and I joined JAMS in 2022, after retiring as in-house counsel with Brasfield & Gorrie, a large commercial general contractor. I am also an adjunct professor at Pepperdine Law School, teaching arbitration theory and practice in its master of dispute resolution and master of laws programs.

Ms. Downs may be contacted at


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