Revolutionizing Buildings with Hybrid Energy Systems and Demand Response

Newton cradle showing energy and gravity

The study emphasizes the growing integration of local properties into broader energy systems and how it necessitates advanced building technologies for optimal control in coordination with intelligent energy systems.

January 8, 2024
Aarni Heiskanen - AEC Business

A recent study conducted by the Finnish Building Services 2030 group explores the potential technologies and business prospects for adaptable energy systems within buildings.

Building Services 2030 is a Finnish consortium of Aalto University, Tampere University, and 14 industry partners. The consortium has defined a shared vision for the Finnish building service sector and researches topics that help reach the vision. My company is responsible for the group’s communication, so I eagerly read the research reports as they come out.

One of the new reports I found very timely is about the energy flexibility of buildings. The authors are Senior Researcher Juha Jokisalo and Professor Matti Lehtonen from Aalto University. They highlight how the contemporary energy landscape is undergoing a significant transformation.

Mr. Heiskanen may be contacted at


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