Seattle’s Audacious Aquarium Throws Builders Swerves, Curves, Twists and Turns

Man jumping and twisting

The 50,000-sq-ft Ocean Pavilion is the centerpiece of Waterfront Seattle, the infrastructure makeover of the Puget Sound waterfront.

January 8, 2024
Nadine M. Post - Engineering News-Record

Patrick Nation describes the reinforcing steel for the main tank of the 50,000-sq-ft Seattle Aquarium Ocean Pavilion as a “monster” job for CMC Rebar. In his mind, it was like bending 496 tons of bars “on a golf ball.” In reality, the operation was more like weaving a giant steel basket. Ironworkers had to painstakingly hand-thread the reinforcing steel for the doubly curved and slanted concrete walls of the 350,000-gallon saltwater exhibit—one bar at a time—to create the dense latticework for the 41-ft-tall basket.

Reprinted courtesy of Nadine M. Post, Engineering News-Record

Ms. Post may be contacted at

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