Want More Transit (and Federal Funding)? Build Housing That Supports It

Terminal train station

Too many new rail lines are opening in areas that don’t have the density to support them. A new federal bill aims to change that.

January 8, 2024
M. Nolan Gray - Bloomberg

After decades of planning (and $2.1 billion spent), Los Angeles’ newest light rail line opened in October 2022. Joined by geeky rail obsessives and chaperoned children, I rode the K Line on opening day. A blend of underground, elevated and at-grade track, it’s a route only a politician could love. Stations were lavished with public art, and when the train wasn’t stuck in traffic, it glided through the sprawl.

Yet one year later, it is Los Angeles’ least-used line, averaging just over 2,000 riders on an average weekday this fall.

It isn’t hard to see why: The line begins at a vacant patch in Crenshaw and ends in a low-slung industrial park about six miles away, lined by strip malls the entire way. Walk one block east or west from any given station, and you’ll find yourself amid single-story postwar bungalows on 7,500-square-foot lots — all illegal to redevelop into apartments, thanks to local zoning. The Hyde Park Station deposits riders into a cluster of gas stations and drive-thru fast-food joints.


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