Jersey Shore Town Trying Not to Lose the Man vs. Nature Fight on its Eroded Beaches

Beach and ocean

Previously, the city spent $21 million trucking in sand for emergency repairs to its beaches, but that has since risen to $30 million.

February 26, 2024
Associated Press - Bloomberg

NORTH WILDWOOD, N.J. (AP) — A New Jersey shore town locked in a legal battle with the state over tens of millions of dollars it has spent trying -- mostly in vain -- to hold back the ocean now is more vulnerable than ever.

A recent winter storm destroyed part of the sand dunes in North Wildwood, leaving tiny piles about the size of a child’s sand castle to protect a popular resort town with $2.5 billion worth of private property, and at least that much in government buildings and infrastructure.

New Jersey has fined the town $12 million for unauthorized beach repairs that it says could worsen erosion, while the city is suing to recoup the $30 million it has spent trucking sand to the site for over a decade.


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