Exploring Architects’ Perspectives on AI: A Survey of Fears and Hopes

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Regardless of the mixed feelings that the survey exhibited 65% thought that AI will increase the productivity of the construction industry.

March 19, 2024
Aarni Heiskanen - AEC Business

RIBA, the Royal Institute of British Architects, ran a survey in late 2023 with 500 respondents on the impact of AI on their profession. The study also explored the near-term outlook for AI adoption and use. The results reveal divided opinions among architects. A popular view is that AI threatens the profession, even though a larger portion sees tools like AI as necessary in the coming years.

The Present Use of AI
The respondents were asked, for the projects they are currently working on, how often their practice used AI in any way.

In all, 41% said that they use AI to some degree. Of those, 43% agree that AI has improved efficiency in the architectural design processes, while 24% disagree.

Mr. Heiskanen may be contacted at aec-business@aepartners.fi


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