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In the latest AEC Business Podcast, they discuss construction tech, AI, and ALICE Core, the company’s latest product launch.

April 8, 2024
Aarni Heiskanen - AEC Business

In this episode of the AEC Business Podcast, Aarni Heiskanen interviews René Morkos, the founder and CEO of ALICE Technologies. They discuss construction tech, AI, and ALICE Core, the company’s latest product launch.

How the Construction Technology Landscape has Changed
The construction tech industry has evolved significantly since 2015, as discussed with René.

In 2015, there was a lack of understanding and reluctance toward construction tech, with some investors even hesitant to invest in the sector. However, by 2017-2018, there was a noticeable shift as construction tech became a sought-after investment opportunity.

Mr. Heiskanen may be contacted at


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