Aecmaster’s Digital Twin: A New Era for Building Design

Hourglass in forest

In 2019 Anssi Auvinen started up Aecmaster, a software and consulting firm that aims to fulfill the promise of digitalization.

May 6, 2024
Aarni Heiskanen - AEC Business

I sat down with Anssi Auvinen, the CEO and founder of Finnish startup Aecmaster, to discuss the future of design and how the company plans to make it happen. Anssi envisions data-driven design as the next radical change in the AEC sector.

Anssi Auvinen started working in the building industry as a 16-year-old construction worker. Since then, he has acquired two master’s degrees: structural engineering and architecture.

During his career, Anssi has witnessed how the digitalization of the design sector has progressed, but the results for both designers and building owners could have been more impressive. That inspired him in 2019 to start up Aecmaster, a software and consulting firm that aims to fulfill the promise of digitalization. The company’s software product launched in January 2024.

The need for digital twins
Anssi states that you can’t say you own a building until you possess its digital assets, the digital twin.

Mr. Heiskanen may be contacted at


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