Enhanced Geothermal Energy Could Be the Next Zero-Carbon Hero

Refinery pollution

These new methods, varyingly referred to as enhanced, engineered or advanced geothermal systems (collectively referred to here as EGS), have recently made strides in scalability and grabbed the attention of changemakers.

June 10, 2024
Sidney L. Fowler, Robert A. James & Clarence H. Tolliver - Gravel2Gavel Construction & Real Estate Law Blog

Hydrogen, solar, wind—and even microwave beams from outer space—are a few of the alternative energies being explored as the world strives to cut the cord on carbon emissions. Recently, advancements in geothermal energy technologies appear poised to significantly expand geothermal’s reach. These new methods, varyingly referred to as enhanced, engineered or advanced geothermal systems (collectively referred to here as EGS), have recently made strides in scalability and grabbed the attention of changemakers. If successful, EGS may play a major role in the clean energy transition. The technique creates no emissions and is virtually limitless (it pulls from heat generated by the Earth’s core), and can provide constant baseload power, making it appealing to green-minded investors. This article calls attention to the progress and variety of EGS projects and proposals that Pillsbury sees as part of the ongoing energy transition.

People have long been drawn to geothermal energy, with Paleo-Americans settling at hot springs some 10,000 years ago. In 1892, Boise, Idaho, became the first town to establish a district heating system that piped naturally occurring hot water from underground and into homes. It would take another 70 years for other cities to replicate the feat, but now 17 U.S. districts use such systems, along with dozens more worldwide.

Reprinted courtesy of Sidney L. Fowler, Pillsbury, Robert A. James, Pillsbury and Clarence H. Tolliver, Pillsbury

Mr. Fowler may be contacted at sidney.fowler@pillsburylaw.com
Mr. James may be contacted at rob.james@pillsburylaw.com
Mr. Tolliver may be contacted at clarence.tolliver@pillsburylaw.com


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