Policyholders Score Win as Another State’s High Court Adopts the “Continuous-Trigger” Theory for General Liability Policies

January 22, 2024
Michael S. Levine & Jorge R. Aviles - Hunton Insurance Recovery Blog

Commercial general liability insurance policies are often written on an “occurrence” basis. An “occurrence” is typically defined as “an accident, including continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general harmful conditions.” Coverage, therefore, requires generally that the “bodily injury” or “property damage” (or “advertising injury” or “personal injury”) happen fortuitously during the effective policy period. Central to this inquiry is knowing when the injury or damage took place.

Reprinted courtesy of Michael S. Levine, Hunton Andrews Kurth and Jorge R. Aviles, Hunton Andrews Kurth

Mr. Levine may be contacted at mlevine@HuntonAK.com
Mr. Aviles may be contacted at javiles@HuntonAK.com


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