Treasurer’s Payment Mistake Requires Defense Coverage Under Property Association’s D&O Policy

April 22, 2024
Evan Holober & Geoffrey B. Fehling - Hunton Insurance Recovery Blog

A federal court recently ruled that a carrier must defend its policyholder against a claim involving the treasurer’s erroneous payment to a scammer. The ruling shows that a “wrongful act” under a D&O policy need not be an egregious act of wrongdoing, that coverage may hinge on whether extrinsic evidence can establish coverage, and that breach of contract claims are not always uninsurable as a matter of law.

In Bridlewood Estates Property Owners Association v. State Farm General Insurance Co., a California federal district court evaluated whether an insured association may be entitled to coverage for a breach of contract claim under an endorsement to its package liability policy providing directors and officers (D&O) coverage. Because the claims arose from an email spoofing scheme resulting in the association’s treasurer mistakenly issuing payment to a fraudster instead of the contracting party, the court determined that contract claims were based on a “wrongful act” by an officer potentially covered by the policy and that, as a result, the lawsuit triggered the insurer’s defense obligations. The decision shows the potential for D&O coverage for contract claims, as well as highlights the difficulty insurers face to exclude contractual liability on public policy grounds, which vary greatly between states and can be swayed by policy provisions applying one particular state’s laws over another.

Reprinted courtesy of Evan Holober, Hunton Andrews Kurth and Geoffrey B. Fehling, Hunton Andrews Kurth
Mr. Holober may be contacted at
Mr. Fehling may be contacted at


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