The Contractor’s Contingency: What Contractors and Construction Managers Need to Know and Be Wary Of

Two construction workers posing

Contractors need to be both proactive in negotiating a well-defined contingency clause and mindful of the consequences resulting from improper implementation.

December 4, 2023
Skyler L. Santomartino - Peckar & Abramson, P.C.

Contractors and construction managers who enter into cost reimbursable contracts subject to a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) are responsible for all project costs exceeding the GMP. For this reason, it is imperative that contractors negotiate and incorporate into the GMP a financial buffer that accounts for the unanticipated project costs that are not reimbursable as change orders or costs of the work. This is where the contractor’s contingency comes into play.[1]

The contractor’s contingency is a vehicle that allows contractors to mitigate some of the risks inherent in GMP contracts. When drafted properly, a contingency clause allows the contractor and only the contractor to access funds set aside by the owner to address unpredictable or unknown project costs.

Mr. Santomartino may be contacted at


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