Coastal Law in Louisiana Seminar

January 29, 2024
Beverley BevenFlorez – CDJ Staff

The complexity of legal issues in coastal Louisiana “creates challenges and opportunities for Louisiana attorneys representing clients who must navigate these conflicts and the overlapping requirements, responsibilities, and risks resulting from the ongoing efforts to balance these interests and needs.” This two-day seminar “will present a wide-ranging variety of legal issues encountered by coastal users, regulators, and special interest groups.” Relevant “developments in coastal law and litigation will be covered, along with specific issues confronting many Louisiana residents regarding the coastal area, including coastal project financing, governmental coastal erosion lawsuits, coastal use permitting, coastal resettlement projects, water bottom ownership and access, and water resource-related issues.” Faculty “include governmental attorneys and outside counsel implementing Louisiana’s handling of coastal matters, as well as prominent private attorneys engaged in coastal law and related matters.”

April 18th-19th, 2024
Location TBD
New Orleans, LA


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