Vietnam Expands Arrests in Coffee Region Property Probe

Coffee cup spilling beans

Vietnam authorities detained the Communist Party chief of coffee-producing province Lam Dong as they expand an investigation into alleged bribery tied to a tourist and residential project.

February 19, 2024
Mai Ngoc Chau - Bloomberg

Vietnam authorities detained the Communist Party chief of coffee-producing province Lam Dong as they expand an investigation into alleged bribery tied to a tourist and residential project, the public security ministry said in a website statement.

Party chief Tran Duc Quan was arrested for allegedly abusing his power and position, according to the statement. Quan allegedly violated the law while giving instructions to the Dai Ninh property project in the province, causing severe consequences, it said.

A Lam Dong Provincial Party Committee representative declined to provide a comment about the arrest. A representative for Quan was not available.


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